
On 2024-04-11

Airbus Protect explains: Supply Chain attacks and how to fight them

Supply chain attacks and how to fight them

Supply Chain attacks are an underestimated risk for companies, where cyber threat actors can hack into a software vendor’s network, posing a significant danger to many companies. Who may be affected by these attacks? Every company of every branch who is in a business relationship to a third-party vendor who offers services or software to […]

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Testimonials & Interviews

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World autism Awareness Day Interview

World Autism Awareness Day

Meet Elisabeth, Inclusion & Diversity representative and Prune, Recruitment Business Partner who explain our program to hire neurodivergent people.   Elisabeth Lagarrigue: Inclusion & Diversity representative What are your responsibilities at Airbus Protect? I work on a lot of human resources projects and I am the inclusion and diversity representative for Airbus Protect.  To understand [...] Read more
3 questions, 2 experts : SOC Edition Cybersecurity

3 questions, 2 experts: SOC analyst edition

To outsiders, the security operations centre (SOC) can seem like an impenetrable black box. To lift the lid on what really goes on inside Airbus Protect’s SOC, we interviewed Pauline and Valentin, two of our analysts.

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Sustainable services

Born in Stuttgart, Germany, I should have been into car manufacturing. It has been aviation ever since I started a student job with B.L.A.S. (Berliner Lufthansa Airport Services) dedicated to handle Euroberlin (Air France and Lufthansa owned) when founded. This changed my ways: it was a first name based business culture. After I never worked […]

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digital lock Cybersecurity

Do not require encryption

In these days of mass storage of data on clouds, muddied RGPD waters [ref] and regular massive data theft [ref], it has become – morally and legally – mandatory for companies to take steps to protect some or all of their data from unwanted access. This often turns into company directives or technical specifications that […]

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cockpit view by night Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity culture

Cybersecurity culture as a key protective measure for highly interconnected ecosystems like aviation. The increasing number of cyber-attacks and the growing level of sophistication of those attacks make cybersecurity a critical and inevitable concern for every business nowadays. The aviation ecosystem is a succulent target for malicious actors due to its safety-critical systems as well […]

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museum exhibition Cybersecurity

What is Architecture & System Design?

We often hear news about critical and negative events in the life of a business. In our society, tragic events and tales of failure are more appealing than successes and the news reflects that. How many people know the latest details about COVID-19 today and how many know about the ITER project and its tremendous […]

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Security governance

Trained as an agricultural engineer and passionate about IT, I had the opportunity to resume my studies to obtain a master degree in information systems engineering. Through out years of experience, I have developed a particular affinity with the quality and then the security of IS. During the last 12 years, I have been contributing […]

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