
Empowering businesses to build a sustainable future

Tackling sustainability and climate change are key priorities for organisations in all sectors. This comes with new risks and challenges, but also the chance to re-invent how businesses and societies function.

The opportunities ahead will allow us to reimagine how to innovate, operate, and create value for all stakeholders by leaving behind outdated practices and embracing the vision of a green future through actionable sustainability strategies.

With a proven track record in risk management, we ensure safety, security and resilience in the journey. We help clients translate their sustainability ambitions into reality by:

  • Supporting the design and implementation of corporate decarbonisation and sustainability strategies
  • Managing any relevant compliance and risk management considerations related to business infrastructure
  • Enhancing the overall sustainability of products, supply chain, resources, operations and assets by applying the latest engineering intelligence and/or digital solutions

To achieve sustainability ambitions, radical changes are needed in how we live and do business. This means identifying and mitigating today’s risks – as well as anticipating future challenges and inventing new ways of working to ensure a better tomorrow.

Sustainability Solutions

Watch the video of the sustainability solutions at Airbus Protect.

Solutions and services

Industrial risks & compliance

Environmental & Regulatory Studies

We ensure end-to-end compliance with regulatory constraints applicable to industrial facilities

Process Safety Management & Safety Engineering

We enhance the safety and security of industrial facilities.

Modelling Hazardous Phenomena

We help you modelling consequences of accidental phenomena.

Sustainability consulting

Eco-Design & Life Cycle Assessment

We establish the sustainability as a functional requirement throughout end-to-end business processes.

Decarbonisation & Climate Change

We unlock the potential of your business to develop low-carbon, sustainable solutions.

Sustainable Supply Chain & Due-Diligence

Substances & Materials

We help your organisation achieve its sustainability objectives by complying with environmental regulations at the material and substance levels.

Transversal services

Sustainability & CSR Strategy Development

We can assist you in the integration of sustainability into business strategy, and improve your CSR and sustainability performance to stakeholders

Adaptation & Resilience To Environmental Change

Our software

We’ve developed specialised software solutions to support our clients’ end-to-end sustainability strategies.


industrial risk management

Featured insights

Sustainability explained Sustainability

Airbus Protect explains: the origins of sustainability & decarbonisation

Welcome to our blog series focused on sustainability To begin our series, we will start by looking at the origins of sustainable development and explore basic knowledge on it.  Airbus Protect has a full business unit dedicated to Sustainability services, supporting customers in building sustainable development policies demonstrating a strong commitment to social and environmental [...]

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Women in STEM template Sustainability

Women In STEM: Ibriza, Industrial Risk Design Engineer

Ibriza Jouini  joined Airbus Protect in Toulouse back in November, 2022. In this interview, she explains what the job of an Industrial Risk Engineer entails and offers valuable advice to women  aspiring to work in engineering.

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Innovation is in our DNA. Together with our clients and partners, we define tomorrow’s standards and solutions. 


Our security, safety and certification training programmes are designed to equip your teams with the skills needed to meet today’s business challenges.

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