Export Control & Data Privacy Protection

Driving secure and enhanced end-to-end data governance

Data is the lifeblood of today’s most successful businesses. Without an effective data strategy, no organisation can survive and thrive. This means that data governance – protecting, securing and managing data in the most effective way possible – is more important than ever. Any oversight can expose businesses to significant fines.

Part of this is ensuring compliance with ever more stringent regulations governing areas like such as export control.

Leading the way

Our consultants have vast experience in helping businesses develop comprehensive data governance and data protection processes to ensure they meet the most stringent compliance requirements, from GDPR up to export control.

Our team of experts provides the tools businesses need to manage the availability, usability, integrity and security of their most critical data, based on both internal data standards and external regulations. With our vast technical expertise, we can help deliver effective data governance to ensure data remains consistent and is used in the right way.

Why Airbus Protect?

We’ll support you in driving secure and enhanced data governance across your entire organisation by addressing the following areas:

  • Identifying and managing risks though methods such as privacy impact assessments
  • Providing training and awareness courses to boost drive a culture of data protection
  • Establishing data protection management systems to ensure continuous improvement
  • Supporting export control obligations to secure business continuity across borders
  • Implementing processes that ensure compliance with regulations such as GDPR

Our offering

We help businesses ensure end-to-end data governance and comply with key regulations. Our data protection portfolio is split into three pillars:

Data classification

  • Data mapping
  • Internal and regulatory issue identification
  • Identification and classification of essential assets
  • Compliance with standards (ISO) and regulations (e.g. RGPD, export control, IP)
  • Protecting know-how and strategy

Export control

  • Process and item (tangible and intangible) inventory provision and classification
  • Training and awareness
  • Export license management
  • Compliance implementation support
  • Export control governance
  • Audits and gap assessments


  • Personal data processing identification
  • GDPR compliance assessments and /audits
  • Risk management
  • Privacy by design
  • Compliance implementation support
  • GDPR governance

Get in touch to discover how we can support you

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