Purple teaming

Are you tired of taking a reactive approach to cybersecurity? It’s time to level up your security strategy with our purple team exercises!

At Airbus Protect, we believe in proactive cybersecurity measures that put you ahead of the curve. Our purple team exercises bring together the best of both worlds, combining the strengths of red and blue teams to create an unstoppable force for protection.

Picture this: your organisation’s defences fortified like never before. Working hand in hand with your internal SOC team, our expert consultants will simulate real-world attacks, uncover vulnerabilities and strengthen your security posture. Purple teaming is like having an elite cybersecurity dream team on your side!

What is purple teaming?

A purple team exercise is a collaborative cybersecurity assessment where a red team (posing as attackers) work alongside a blue team (defenders) to simulate real-world attacks. By sharing knowledge and insights, a purple team exercise helps identify vulnerabilities, improve defence strategies and enhance overall cybersecurity resilience.

Through ‘real world’ simulated attacks, purple teaming is the best way to: 

  •  Collaboratively uncover weaknesses in your cyber defences, 
  •  Improve security without  impacting business continuity,
  • Build an impenetrable shield for your digital fortress
purple teaming visual

Frequently asked questions

A red team conducts simulated attacks to assess security vulnerabilities, while a purple team is a collaborative effort between the red team (attackers) and blue team (defenders). While a red teaming exercise can be adversarial, purple teaming focuses on knowledge sharing and improving defence strategies by leveraging the expertise of both teams.

This depends on the team’s working environment and the type of exercise it’s undertaking. But generally speaking, the following skills are useful:

  • Technical expertise: Strong knowledge of offensive and defensive security techniques, tools and technologies.
  • Threat intelligence: Understanding of current and emerging threats, vulnerabilities and attack vectors.
  • Communication: Effective communication skills to collaborate with both red and blue teams, conveying findings and providing recommendations for remediation.
  • Analytical thinking: The ability to analyse and interpret data, identify patterns and draw meaningful conclusions.
  • Problem-solving: Aptitude for identifying weaknesses in systems and processes and proposing effective countermeasures.
  • Adaptability: Ability to quickly adapt to evolving technologies, threats and strategies.
  • Collaboration: Willingness to work collaboratively with diverse teams, sharing knowledge and expertise.
  • Continuous learning: Dedication to staying updated with the latest security trends, techniques, and technologies.

These skills collectively empower a purple team to assess, enhance, and optimise an organisation’s security posture.

We work with organisations across all sectors – from government to financial services to critical infrastructure and beyond. This, combined with our decades of experience protecting Airbus’ complex systems and networks, makes us the perfect candidate to help you undertake a purple team exercise. Here are some of our strengths:

  • Deep understanding of critical businesses: Thanks to our Airbus DNA, we understand first-hand the challenges and risks associated with securing critical infrastructure.
  • Comprehensive industry knowledge: We bring a comprehensive understanding of the latest cybersecurity threats, attack vectors and emerging trends directly from our SOC. This equips us to design and execute effective purple team exercises that accurately simulate real-world scenarios faced by critical infrastructure providers.
  • Access to leading-edge technologies: Our teams learn how to emulate and deploy any tools and techniques they see being used by malicious actors. This enhances the realism and effectiveness of the simulation, ensuring a thorough evaluation of your defence systems.
  • Multi-disciplinary expertise: Purple teaming requires a combination of offensive and defensive security skills. Our team of experts, including ethical hackers, cybersecurity analysts, and incident responders, has the diverse skill set needed to holistically assess and improve the security posture of your company.
  • Customisation for specific infrastructure: We tailor our purple team exercise to your specific infrastructure needs and characteristics. This allows you to make targeted improvements based on vulnerabilities we identify together.
  • Compliance and regulatory alignment: We’re subject to strict regulatory requirements and compliance standards, so we understand what it’s like to operate in a tight regulatory environment. With this unique understanding, we’ll ensure that your purple team exercise aligns with your industry’s standards and best practices.

Organisations in the financial services, healthcare and energy sectors, as well as any other critical infrastructure providers, are all prime candidates for a purple team exercise. 

Why? These entities face constant and evolving cyber threats that can have severe consequences. Ask yourself:

  • Have you encountered any recent security breaches or vulnerabilities that have caused concern?
  • Are you prepared to handle advanced and persistent cyber threats targeting your business?
  • Do you value a proactive and holistic approach to safeguarding your critical assets from emerging cyber threats?

If any of these apply to you and your business, our pre-assessment (including an adversary profile and tabletop exercise) will strategically help you evolve your cyber security.

Why Airbus Protect?

At Airbus Protect, we are dedicated to your security. We recognise the significance of fortifying your cybersecurity and safety. Through our first-hand experience, innovative solutions and customer-centricity, we empower you to conquer challenges while we shield your invaluable assets. Join forces with us today.

Services we offer:

  •  Pre-assessment: Together with your cybersecurity specialists, we create a threat scenario and adversary profile
  • Tabletop exercise: Based on the above adversary profile, we work together to select the tools, techniques and procedures that would be used in a real threat scenario, which we simulate in a tabletop game
  • Attack emulation: Based on a tabletop exercise playbook, collaboratively attack your production environment to identify weaknesses, improve defences and identify proactive mitigation strategies
  • Strategic report: Following the attack emulation, we create a comprehensive report packed with actionable insights. It provides detailed analysis of encountered vulnerabilities, gaps in defences and areas for improvement within your organisation’s cybersecurity strategy and operations. The goal is to empower you to enhance your security measures, fortify defences and mitigate future threats

We’re often asked about the similarities and differences between red teaming and pentesting. Put simply, red teaming is a more holistic test of organisations’ cyber defences, whereas pentesting focuses on specific attack vectors.

Ready to enhance your organisation’s cybersecurity defences and proactively combat cyber threats?

Get in touch to discover how we can support you

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