Pentesting & Vulnerability Assessments

Uncovering hidden vulnerabilities and understanding potential system exploits

Organisations everywhere are continuing their digital transformation programmes. But new, hyper-connected IT and OT technologies have a much larger attack surface than their predecessors. Since a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, it’s crucial to locate any potential vulnerabilities in these complex systems before they’re exploited by malicious actors.

Leading the way

Using the same tools and techniques as your adversaries, our vulnerability assessments and pentesting services will reveal your organisation’s true cyber maturity.

Our approach

Airbus Protect’s personalised approach is what sets us apart. Our penetration tests are tailored to your specific assets and industry. Plus, they don’t just outline what’s wrong, offering a clear and actionable roadmap for how to remedy any gaps and vulnerabilities.

Why Airbus Protect?

We make sure you have the tools and methods in place to detect and manage your vulnerabilities. What sets us apart:

  • We dedicate time to understanding your business’ unique needs
  • Our pentests are tailored to your specific assets and industry
  • We create a clear and actionable roadmap for how to remedy any gaps and vulnerabilities

Our offering

Social engineering pentesting

This type of mock attack is designed to test employees’ information security behaviour and awareness. Typically, Airbus Protect consultants pose as fellow employees or trusted figures to conduct this test.

Social engineering pentests have numerous benefits, including:

  • Demonstrating the effectiveness of your organisation’s information security systems
  • Revealing an accurate picture of your employees’ cyber awareness
  • Testing compliance with your information security policies
  • Educating employees on the nature of potential cyber threats

Offensive security

Airbus Protect’s dedicated offensive security team offers a range of services designed to help find system vulnerabilities – prioritising those with the largest business impact. Our services cover:

  • External networks
  • Internal networks
  • Web applications
  • Cloud infrastructure 
  • Wireless environments
  • Embedded systems
  • Mobile applications

In addition to pentesting, the offensive security team also offer support with:

  • Assumed compromise services – including pivoting, lateral movement, data exfiltration and more
  • Analysing open-source intelligence
  • Red teaming
  • Red teaming exercises

Get in touch to discover how we can support you

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Our experts can help you with vulnerability assessements & pentetration testing: