
On 2024-07-17

Renewal of Qualiopi certification for Airbus Protect’s trainings for 2024

Our continuous commitment to the quality and improvement of our training services has been recognised for another year.  Airbus Protect’s training organisation has recently had its Qualiopi certification renewed by a quality certification body for professional training providers.  Thanks to this certification, French-based customers could benefit from OPCO’s financial support for our trainings. Check out [...]
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secures and optimises hydrogen Sustainability

Airbus Protect secures and optimises hydrogen projects

Specialised in the field of risk management, Airbus Protect offers a range of services aimed at maintaining the continuity of service of its clients’ systems and installations with a view to business sustainability. Airbus Protect’s business is the control of technical risks. The raison d’être of the Airbus subsidiary is to secure the systems and […]

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