
On 2024-07-22

Cybersecurity in industrial and manufacturing environments: understanding the fundamentals

Cybersecurity in industrial and manufacturing environments: Understanding the fundamentals
Introduction to OT Security Source: CEA list from DIMS event, 16th May 2024   You've probably heard of Industry 4.0 – the ongoing automation of manufacturing and industrial practices using modern technology. More industries are embracing this approach by incorporating IoT, cloud, AI and cyber-physical systems into their production chain. The resulting connectivity boosts productivity [...]
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Testimonials & Interviews

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World autism Awareness Day Interview

World Autism Awareness Day

Meet Elisabeth, Inclusion & Diversity representative and Prune, Recruitment Business Partner who explain our program to hire neurodivergent people.   Elisabeth Lagarrigue: Inclusion & Diversity representative What are your responsibilities at Airbus Protect? I work on a lot of human resources projects and I am the inclusion and diversity representative for Airbus Protect.  To understand [...] Read more
3 questions, 2 experts : SOC Edition Cybersecurity

3 questions, 2 experts: SOC analyst edition

To outsiders, the security operations centre (SOC) can seem like an impenetrable black box. To lift the lid on what really goes on inside Airbus Protect’s SOC, we interviewed Pauline and Valentin, two of our analysts.

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Supply chain attacks and how to fight them Cybersecurity

Airbus Protect explains: Supply Chain attacks and how to fight them

Supply Chain attacks are an underestimated risk for companies, where cyber threat actors can hack into a software vendor’s network, posing a significant danger to many companies. Who may be affected by these attacks? Every company of every branch who is in a business relationship to a third-party vendor who offers services or software to […]

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Expectations vs. Reality: Cybersecurity and Remote Working Cybersecurity

Expectations vs. Reality: Cybersecurity and Remote Working

Remote working is not a new area for IT and cybersecurity experts, however in the last few years it has now been pushed to the forefront and become a hot topic that organisations globally must consider. From where we are currently sat, this change looks like it may be the new normal, and it is[...]

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