Fence licences, services & Training

Fence - Security risk management
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Fence software licences

We propose Fence software licences, for an on-premises installation.

Fence licences include:

  • The delivery of Fence software package, for installation on your premises
  • An unlimited access to Fence features on your server
  • End-user support
  • Technical support for installation and updates
  • New versions of Fence throughout the year
  • Security and bug patches
  • User documentation and technical documentation

Fence training

We also propose a Fence training, dedicated to Fence users. Our training is Qualiopi certified.

Pedagogical objectives:

  • Being able to use the Fence application to perform an EBIOS RM Security Risk Assessment
  • Get a first practice with Fence and become familiar with its interface
  • Understand what can be done with the application and where to find each piece of information
  • Get to know the advanced features that Fence offers and how to use them (knowledge bases, customisation, reporting, etc.)


  • Presentation of the application principles (organisation, navigation, report capabilities, etc.)
  • Detailed presentation and walkthrough of each EBIOS RM workshops:
    • Workshop 1: Scope and security baseline
    • Workshop 2: Risk origins
    • Workshop 3: Strategic scenarios
    • Workshop 4: Operational scenarios
    • Workshop 5: Risk treatment
  • Practical exercises on Fence are included alongside the walkthrough, enabling each trainee to actually use Fence and illustrating the presentations (each trainee will have access to a Fence account on an Airbus Protect server, for the purpose of this training) 

Trainee profiles:

  • Risk Analysts


  • 1 day


  • On Airbus Protect sites, in-company, or remotely


  • EBIOS RM knowledge, for instance having followed an EBIOS RM methodology training

EBIOS RM training

Besides, our training course related to the EBIOS RM methodology is available.

More on [Training]

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